fixes a single scenario with apt, where there is only sources.list, no .d/*.list files.
I was assuming that the file name would print out in the output of single file grep,
but that only happens with multiple files.
bsds: removed dragonly specific used mem hack, now will work for any bsd, if avm in vmstat is 0
adds a flag to value, and removes it when used.
Nothing else of note.
for cinnamon, so added an xdg test to skip the xrop -root section. Since either will catch it fine, there is
no actual difference in output or outcome.
/var/run/dmesg.boot can contain repeated data when not recreated at boot, you can have the same disks discovered
two times, so I made the gawk arrays use the disk id as part of their array key.
Added support, basic, for bsd hard disks, and optical disks.
Added hard disk total/percent used for BSDs, sort of.
These are mostly just hacks since the data isn't easily available from system
standard tools, though I could on freebsd use gpart I guess but that's another tool
needed, and another method, too much work imo for small results.
Now the short form, the -b/-v1 form, and the -C forms are all similar.
Also, added a few hacks to try to extract cpu max speed from cpu model string in
either sysctl -a OR /var/run/dmesg.boot data in freebsd/openbsd. Sometimes it may
work if that data was in the model string. It's a hack, but will do until we get
better data sources or they update their sources to list more data.
handling. Or rather, non handling, since that data only showed in rare cases on short form
(inxi no args) output. Now it uses /sys query to determine min/max speed of cpu, and uses
that data to override any other min/max data discovered.
Still uses /proc/cpuinfo for actual speeds per core. The assumption in this is that all
cares will have the same min/max speeds, which is generally going to be a safe assumption.
Now in short form, inxi, output, it will show actual speed then (max speed) or just (max)
if actual speed matches max speed. Same for -b short CPU output.
For long, -C output, shows max speed before the actual cpu core speeds per core.
With -xx, and in multi cpu/core systems only, shows if available min/max speeds.
Note that not all /sys have this data, so it doesn't show any N/A if it's missing.
permit wget/curl/(openbsd ftp)/(bsd fetch) interchangeably.
This lets more standard downloader defaults in bsds, as well as curl on gnu/linux systems
without triggering an error of missing wget.
1. Fixed cpu core issues on bsds, now shows core count + if > 1, cpus total.
2. Now shows OS instead of Distro on short/long output, since each bsd is an OS.
3. fixed vmstat issues for used memory outputs
Also fixed potential failures with cpu core count array by making it a ',' separated array.
-m/-M would always show requires root for dmidecode no matter what. Also improved dmidecode
error messages/handling.
Also, a fix for no display card data, now shows as expected no card data
Most other fixes are for bsd, mostly openbsd.
1. Added a class for network devices in freebsd pciconf
2. Added -r support for openbsd
3. Fixed some cpu issues for openbsd
4. Fixed an issue in openbsd/freebsd where client version data failed to get cleaned
5. Changed inxi short form output for bsds to show OS data instead of kernel data.
6. BSDs, maybe all, different syntax in xorg.0.log made unloaded gfx drivers not show,
that is fixed now.
-p fixed file system type in -p/-P for openbsd, now shows.
-I / inxi short - fixed used memory, did not show in openbsd, now does.
-f fixed cpu flags in openbsd, now works
-C corrected corrupted cpu data outputs, in openbsd at least, maybe also freebsd
-C added an openbsd hack to sometimes show cpu L2 cache
-m/-M fixed/improved dmidecode error handling for all systems
Modified handling of dmesg.boot data, synched so gawk can parse better.
Now all lines are stripped of ending whitespaces automatically.
Also a dmidecode error handler correction, that was not working right in bsd systems.
Added some debuggers for bsd systems.