## For Project Maintainer: How to update seafile-docker when a new version is released Imagine the previous version is 6.0.5 and we have released 6.0.7. Here are the steps to do the upgrade. * Switch to a branch "master" ```sh git branch -f master origin/master git checkout master ``` * Update the version number in all the files/scripts from "6.0.5" to "6.0.7" and push it to github, then wait for travis ci (https://travis-ci.org/haiwen/seafile-docker/builds) to pass ```sh git push origin master ``` * Normal * Create a tag "seafile-base" and push it to github. Wait for travis ci to finish: this time it would push the image seafileltd/base:16.04 to docker hub since it's triggered by a tag. ```sh git tag seafile-base git push origin seafile-base ``` * Create a tag "v6.0.7" and push it to github. Wait for travis ci to finish: this time it would push the image seafileltd/seafile:6.0.7 to docker hub since it's triggered by a tag. ```sh git tag v6.0.7 git push origin v6.0.7 ``` * Ensure the new image is available in https://hub.docker.com/r/seafileltd/seafile/tags/ * Pro * Create a tag "seafile-pro-base" and push it to github. Wait for travis ci to finish: this time it would push the image ${registry}/seafileltd/pro-base:16.04 to docker Registry since it's triggered by a tag. ```sh git tag seafile-pro-base git push origin seafile-pro-base ``` * Create a tag "v6.0.7-pro" and push it to github. Wait for travis ci to finish: this time it would push the image ${registry}/seafileltd/pro-seafile:6.0.7 to docker Registry since it's triggered by a tag. ```sh git tag v6.0.7-pro git push origin v6.0.7 ```