[![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/haiwen/seafile-docker.png?branch=master)](http://travis-ci.org/haiwen/seafile-docker) ### About - [Docker](https://docker.com/) is an open source project to pack, ship and run any Linux application in a lighter weight, faster container than a traditional virtual machine. - Docker makes it much easier to deploy [a Seafile server](https://github.com/haiwen/seafile) on your servers and keep it updated. - The base image configures Seafile with the Seafile team's recommended optimal defaults. ### Getting Started Generate seafile image, and run the image. ``` sudo git clone https://github.com/haiwen/seafile-docker.git /var/seafile/ cd /var/seafile/image make base make server docker run -d --name seafile-server -v /root/seafile:/shared -p 80:80 seafileltd/seafile:6.2.1 ``` Now visit `http://hostname` or `https://hostname` to open Seafile Web UI. If you are not familiar with docker commands, refer to [docker documentation](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/cli/). ### How to use #### Custom admin username and password The default account is `me@example.com` and the password is `asecret`. You must change the password when you first run the seafile server. If you forget the admin password, you can add a new admin account and then go to the sysadmin panel to reset user password. #### Domain You can create `/shared/bootstrap.conf`, write the following lines. [server] server.hostname = seafile.example.com And then restart service, nginx will update up config. #### Modify configurations The config files are under `shared/seafile/conf`. You can modify the configurations according to [Seafile manual](https://manual.seafile.com/) After modification, run the new docker container: ``` docker rm -f seafile-server docker run -d --name seafile-server -v /root/seafile:/shared -p 80:80 seafileltd/seafile:6.2.1 ``` #### Find logs The seafile logs are under `shared/logs/seafile`. The system logs are under `shared/logs/var-log`. #### Add a new Admin Enter the command below. ``` docker exec -it seafile-server /opt/seafile/seafile-server-latest/reset-admin.sh ``` Enter the username and password according to the prompts.You now have a new admin account. ### Directory Structure #### `/bootstrap` This directory is for container definitions for your Seafile containers. You are in charge of this directory, it ships empty. #### `/samples` Sample container definitions you may use to bootstrap your environment. You can copy templates from here into the bootstrap directory. #### `/shared` Placeholder spot for shared volumes. You may elect to store certain persistent information outside of a container, in our case we keep various logfiles and upload directory outside. This allows you to rebuild containers easily without losing important information. - /shared/db: This is the data directory for mysql server - /shared/seafile: This is the directory for seafile server configuration and data. - /shared/logs: This is the directory for logs. - /shared/logs/var-log: This is the directory that would be mounted as `/var/log` inside the container. For example, you can find the nginx logs in `shared/logs/var-log/nginx/`. - /shared/logs/seafile: This is the directory that would contain the log files of seafile server processes. For example, you can find seaf-server logs in `shared/logs/seafile/seafile.log`. - /shared/ssl: This is directory for certificate, which does not exist by default. - /shared/bootstrap.conf: This file does not exist by default. You can create it by your self, and write the configuration of files similar to the `samples` folder. #### `/templates` Various jinja2 templates used for seafile server configuration. #### `/image` Dockerfiles for Seafile. The Docker repository will always contain the latest built version at: https://hub.docker.com/r/seafileltd/seafile/, you should not need to build the base image. ### Container Configuration #### Let's encrypt SSL certificate If you set `server.letsencrypt` to `true`, the bootstrap script would request a letsencrypt-signed SSL certificate for you. ```conf server.letsencrypt = true ``` If you want to use your own SSL certificate: - create a folder 'shared/ssl', and put your certificate and private key under the ssl directory. - Assume your site name is "seafile.example.com", then your certificate must have the name "seafile.example.com.crt", and the private key must have the name "seafile.example.com.key". ### Upgrading Seafile Server ensure same version of the repo, and run start command`docker run -d --name seafile-server -v /root/seafile:/shared -p 80:80 seafileltd/seafile:6.2.1 `, which would keep your seafile server up to date. ### Troubleshooting You can run the command as "docker logs" or "docker exec" to find errors. ### Developing with Vagrant If you are looking to make modifications to this repository, you can easily test out your changes before committing, using the magic of [Vagrant](http://vagrantup.com). Install Vagrant as per [the default instructions](http://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/installation/index.html), and then run: vagrant up This will spawn a new Ubuntu VM, install Docker, and then await your instructions. You can then SSH into the VM with `vagrant ssh`, become `root` with `sudo -i`, and then you're right to go. Your live git repo is already available at `/var/seafile`, so you can just `cd /var/seafile` and then start running `launcher`. ### Special Thanks Lots of the design of this repo is borrowed from the excellent [discourse-docker](https://github.com/discourse/discourse_docker) project. Thanks for their insipiration! License === Apache