mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 13:32:14 +00:00
- Create a common class to use in all inheritance for states - Add a limit iterator that we can use in evals - Modify ArrowFileIterator behavior to not do arrow path inference if file_format='json' - Make EvalArgs valid - Move testing iterators to a common directory to allow usage in multiple test files - Make it so that SequenceIterator can take a None rng_state, to disable all rng ops (for eval mainly) Test Plan: - `pytest bytelatent` - `python -m bytelatent.train config=../internal-blt/configs/entropy_model.yaml logging.wandb=null eval=null`
272 lines
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272 lines
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# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
from typing import Any
import numpy as np
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict
from bytelatent.data.data_types import Batch, BltSequence
from bytelatent.data.iterators.abstract_iterator import (
from bytelatent.data.iterators.sampling_iterator import SamplingIteratorState
class PackingArgs(BaseModel):
model_config = ConfigDict(extra="forbid")
batch_size: int
seq_len: int
pad_id: int
max_length: int | None
pad_to_max_length: bool
enable_byte_ngrams: bool
tokenizer_name: str
class PackingIteratorState(PydanticIteratorState):
model_config = ConfigDict(extra="forbid")
sequence_iterator_state: SamplingIteratorState
packing_args: PackingArgs
def build(self) -> "PackingIterator":
return PackingIterator(
def _merge_patch_seq_masks(bs, slen: int, mask_seqs: list[list[bool]]):
assert len(mask_seqs) == bs
lens = [len(m) for m in mask_seqs]
if all(all(m) for m in mask_seqs) and all(lens[0] == l for l in lens):
return None
assert slen == max(lens) - 1
mask = np.zeros((bs, slen), dtype=bool)
for i, m in enumerate(mask_seqs):
if m is None:
"Did not implement None mask, the mask should be True for all toks, so we need to pass that to this function."
raise NotImplementedError
mask[i][: len(mask_seqs[i]) - 1] = mask_seqs[i][1:]
return mask
def truncate_batch(
batch: Batch,
max_length: int,
pad_id: int,
pad_to_max_length: bool = False,
enable_byte_ngrams: bool,
Truncate the x to a given size, making sure we remove the corresponding patch sizes in patch_lenghts
and fixing the batch.mask.
batch.patch_lengths has unchanged shape
x,y, and mask may reduce in size
if batch.patch_lengths is None:
return batch
seq_lengths = batch.patch_lengths.sum(axis=1)
max_length_adj = max_length + 1
if np.any(seq_lengths > max_length_adj):
for i in range(batch.x.shape[0]):
if seq_lengths[i] > max_length_adj:
# Find id of patch that tips over max_length + 1
count, j = 0, 0
while count + batch.patch_lengths[i, j] <= max_length_adj:
count += batch.patch_lengths[i, j]
j += 1
# Edit the batch
assert j < batch.patch_lengths.shape[1]
batch.x[i, max_length:] = pad_id
batch.y[i, max_length:] = pad_id
if batch.mask is not None:
batch.mask[i, max_length:] = False
batch.patch_lengths[i, j:] = 0
batch.patch_lengths[i, j] = max_length_adj - count
# Truncate if necessary.
if max_length < batch.x.shape[1]:
batch.x = batch.x[:, :max_length]
batch.y = batch.y[:, :max_length]
if batch.mask is not None:
batch.mask = batch.mask[:, :max_length]
# Right pad to max_length if necessary
elif pad_to_max_length:
if batch.x.shape[1] < max_length:
# NOTE: this has to be done on an actual patch.
non_zero_indices = (batch.patch_lengths != 0).sum(axis=1) - 1
non_zero_indices = np.maximum(0, non_zero_indices)
batch.patch_lengths[range(len(batch.patch_lengths)), non_zero_indices] += (
max_length - batch.x.shape[1]
# TODO: We could get rid of many of these complications by moving this funciton directly in the dataloader.
x = np.full((batch.x.shape[0], max_length), pad_id, dtype=batch.x.dtype)
x[:, : batch.x.shape[1]] = batch.x
batch.x = x
if batch.y.shape[1] < max_length:
y = np.full((batch.y.shape[0], max_length), pad_id, dtype=batch.y.dtype)
y[:, : batch.y.shape[1]] = batch.y
batch.y = y
if batch.mask is not None and batch.mask.shape[1] < max_length:
mask = np.full(
(batch.mask.shape[0], max_length), False, dtype=batch.mask.dtype
mask[:, : batch.mask.shape[1]] = batch.mask
batch.mask = mask
assert batch.x.shape[1] <= max_length
assert batch.y.shape[1] <= max_length
assert batch.mask is None or batch.mask.shape[1] <= max_length
assert np.all(max_length_adj - batch.patch_lengths.sum(axis=1) == 0)
if pad_to_max_length:
assert batch.x.shape[1] == max_length
assert batch.y.shape[1] == max_length
assert batch.mask is None or batch.mask.shape[1] == max_length
if enable_byte_ngrams:
raise NotImplementedError()
# (num_ngram, batch_size, seq_len)
ngram_ids = np.array(tokenizer.encode_token_ngrams(batch.x))
assert ngram_ids.shape[2] == batch.x.shape[1]
ngram_ids = None
batch.ngram_ids = ngram_ids
class PackingIterator(StatefulIterator[Batch, PackingIteratorState]):
def __init__(
sequence_iterator: StatefulIterator[BltSequence, Any],
packing_args: PackingArgs,
self.sequence_iterator = sequence_iterator
self.packing_args = packing_args
def get_state(self):
return PackingIteratorState(
def create_iter(self):
if self.packing_args.tokenizer_name == "bytes":
return self._create_iter_from_bytes()
return self._create_iter_from_patch_lengths()
def _create_iter_from_bytes(self):
sequence_iter = self.sequence_iterator.create_iter()
batch_size = self.packing_args.batch_size
pad_id = self.packing_args.pad_id
seq_len = self.packing_args.seq_len
while True:
tokens: list[list[int]] = []
masks: list[list[bool]] = []
for _ in range(self.packing_args.batch_size):
sequence = next(sequence_iter)
_tokens = sequence.tokens
_mask = sequence.mask
assert (
sequence.patch_lengths is None
), "patch_lengths should not be used in byte packing"
x = np.full((batch_size, seq_len), fill_value=pad_id)
y = np.full((batch_size, seq_len), fill_value=pad_id)
for i, tok_seq in enumerate(tokens):
x[i, : len(tok_seq)] = tok_seq
y[i, : len(tok_seq) - 1] = tok_seq[1:]
batch = Batch(x=x, y=y)
assert (
batch.mask is None or np.sum(x != pad_id) == batch.mask.sum()
), f"{np.sum(x != pad_id)} != {batch.mask.sum()}"
yield batch
def _create_iter_from_patch_lengths(self):
sequence_iter = self.sequence_iterator.create_iter()
batch_size = self.packing_args.batch_size
pad_id = self.packing_args.pad_id
seq_len = self.packing_args.seq_len
pad_to_max_length = self.packing_args.pad_to_max_length
enable_byte_ngrams = self.packing_args.enable_byte_ngrams
max_length = self.packing_args.max_length
while True:
tokens: list[list[int]] = []
masks: list[list[bool]] = []
patch_lengths: list[list[int]] = []
for _ in range(self.packing_args.batch_size):
sequence = next(sequence_iter)
_tokens = sequence.tokens
_mask = sequence.mask
_patch_lengths = sequence.patch_lengths
assert (
_patch_lengths is not None
), "patch lengths are required for packing based on patches."
# Reminder: seq_len is in terms of patches
assert len(sequence.patch_lengths) == self.packing_args.seq_len
last_patch_length = 0
if _patch_lengths[0] > 1:
last_patch_length = _patch_lengths[-1]
_patch_lengths[0] -= 1
_patch_lengths = [1] + _patch_lengths[:-1]
tokens.append(_tokens[: len(_tokens) - last_patch_length])
masks.append(_mask[: len(_mask) - last_patch_length])
x_patch_lengths = np.array(patch_lengths)
# pad batch to same length
tok_seq_len = max([len(toks) for toks in tokens]) - 1
x = np.full((batch_size, tok_seq_len), fill_value=pad_id)
y = np.full((batch_size, tok_seq_len), fill_value=pad_id)
for i, tok_seq in enumerate(tokens):
x[i, : len(tok_seq) - 1] = tok_seq[:-1]
y[i, : len(tok_seq) - 1] = tok_seq[1:]
# Adjust patch lengths to match x
x_patch_lengths[i, -1] += tok_seq_len - (len(tok_seq) - 1)
assert x_patch_lengths.shape == (batch_size, seq_len)
if enable_byte_ngrams:
raise NotImplementedError()
ngram_ids = None
batch = Batch(
mask=_merge_patch_seq_masks(batch_size, tok_seq_len, masks),
assert (
x_patch_lengths.sum() == x.size + batch_size
), f"{x_patch_lengths.sum()} != {x.size + batch_size}"
assert (
batch.mask is None or np.sum(x != pad_id) == batch.mask.sum()
), f"{np.sum(x != pad_id)} != {batch.mask.sum()}"
assert np.all(
x_patch_lengths[:, 0] == 1
), f"first patch should always be 1, {x_patch_lengths[:, 0]}"
# cuda_gb_allocated = (torch.cuda.max_memory_allocated() / 1024 / 1024 / 1024)
# cuda_gb_reserved = torch.cuda.max_memory_reserved() / 1024 / 1024 / 1024
# print(f"dataloader cuda_gb_allocated: {cuda_gb_allocated}, cuda_gb_reserved: {cuda_gb_reserved}")
yield batch