# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. from enum import Enum, auto from typing import Any, Optional import torch from pydantic import ConfigDict, model_validator from torch import nn from torch.nn.attention.flex_attention import create_block_mask from typing_extensions import Self from bytelatent.base_transformer import ( BaseTransformerArgs, InitStdFactor, TransformerBlock, ) from bytelatent.data.patcher import Patcher, PatcherArgs from bytelatent.model.latent_transformer import GlobalTransformer from bytelatent.model.local_models import LocalDecoder, LocalEncoder, LocalModelArgs from bytelatent.model.utils import downsample from bytelatent.tokenizers.constants import BOE_ID, BOS_ID, EOS_ID, OFFSET, PAD_ID def attention_flops_per_token(n_layers, seq_len, dim, causal): # Formula from https://github.com/Dao-AILab/flash-attention/blob/main/benchmarks/benchmark_flash_attention.py#L27-L30 return 3.5 * (4 * n_layers * seq_len * dim // (2 if causal else 1)) def get_num_flop_per_token( num_non_embed_params: int, n_layers: int, dim: int, seq_len: int ) -> int: return 6 * num_non_embed_params + attention_flops_per_token( n_layers, seq_len, dim, True ) def causal_mask(b, h, q_idx, kv_idx): return q_idx >= kv_idx def setattrs(_self, **kwargs): for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(_self, k, v) def get_encoder_dim_token_emb(args): if args.dim_token is not None: dim_token_emb = args.dim_token elif args.use_local_encoder_transformer: dim_token_emb = args.dim_local_encoder else: dim_token_emb = args.dim_global // args.patch_size return dim_token_emb def get_encoder_dim_patch_emb(args): dim_patch_emb = None if args.cross_attn_encoder: if args.cross_attn_init_by_pooling: dim_patch_emb = args.dim_local_encoder else: dim_patch_emb = args.dim_global return dim_patch_emb def get_global_dim_patch_emb(args): dim_token_emb = get_encoder_dim_token_emb(args) if args.cross_attn_encoder: dim_patch_emb = dim_token_emb * args.cross_attn_k elif ( args.downsampling_by_pooling is None or not args.downsampling_by_pooling or len(args.downsampling_by_pooling) == 0 ): dim_patch_emb = dim_token_emb * args.patch_size else: dim_patch_emb = dim_token_emb * sum( [ pooling in args.downsampling_by_pooling for pooling in ["avg", "min", "max"] ] ) return dim_patch_emb def get_decoder_dim_token_emb(args): if args.share_encoder_decoder_emb: dim_token_emb = get_encoder_dim_token_emb(args) elif args.dim_token is not None: dim_token_emb = args.dim_token else: dim_token_emb = args.dim_local_decoder return dim_token_emb def parse_ngram_to_size(ngram_to_size_str: str | None) -> dict[int, int]: if ngram_to_size_str is None: return None ngram_to_size = {} for entry in ngram_to_size_str.split(","): ngram, size = entry.split(":") ngram = int(ngram) size = int(size) ngram_to_size[ngram] = size return ngram_to_size def fill_tokens(tokens, patch_size, fill_id): batch_size, seq_len = tokens.shape if seq_len % patch_size == 0: return tokens else: remaining = patch_size - seq_len % patch_size final_padding = tokens.new(batch_size, remaining).fill_(fill_id) return torch.cat((tokens, final_padding), dim=1) def decoder_patch_ids_from_lengths(patch_lengths, nb_boe, seq_len): first_patch_length = patch_lengths[0, 0] assert torch.all( first_patch_length == patch_lengths[:, 0] ), "first patch should always be the same size (1 for dynamic, patch_size for static)." assert ( first_patch_length - nb_boe == 1 ), f"First patch (patch length: {first_patch_length}) should have one non-boe token (boe toks: {nb_boe})" # Remove first patch from patch_ids for local decoder inputs and shift the last patch. # decoder_patch_lengths = patch_lengths[:, 1:].clone() # decoder_patch_lengths = add_to_last_nonzero_patch(decoder_patch_lengths, 1) decoder_patch_lengths = patch_lengths[:, 1:] assert ( decoder_patch_lengths.sum() + (nb_boe + 1) * patch_lengths.shape[0] == patch_lengths.sum() ), f"{decoder_patch_lengths.sum() + (nb_boe + 1) * patch_lengths.shape[0]} != {patch_lengths.sum()}" assert torch.all(decoder_patch_lengths >= 0), f"{decoder_patch_lengths}" decoder_patch_ids = patch_ids_from_lengths( patch_lengths=decoder_patch_lengths, seq_len=seq_len ) return decoder_patch_ids primes = [ 1000000007, 5915587277, 1500450271, 3267000013, 5754853343, 4093082899, 9576890767, 3628273133, 2860486313, 5463458053, 3367900313, ] def rolling_polynomial_hash(t, hash_func_nb: int = 0): prime = torch.tensor(primes[hash_func_nb], dtype=torch.int64, device=t.device) prime_powers = torch.stack([prime**i for i in range(t.shape[-1])]) return torch.sum(t * prime_powers, dim=-1) def get_rolling_polynomial_hash_fn(hash_func_nb: int = 0, group_size: int = 2): prime = torch.tensor(primes[hash_func_nb], dtype=torch.int64) prime_powers = torch.stack([prime**i for i in range(group_size)]) def rolling_polynomial_hash_fn(t): return torch.sum(t * prime_powers, dim=-1) return rolling_polynomial_hash_fn def byte_group_hash_function( x: torch.Tensor, group_size: int = 2, hash_func_nb: int = 0, max_hash: int = 30000 ): """ Returns a hash of the input x and maps it to a value in the range [0, max_hash]. expects: x of shape (batch_size, seq_len) with values as ids in the token vocab. returns a tensor of shape (batch_size, seq_len) with values in the range [0, max_hash]. Note: max hash can make a big difference on the number of collisions. """ with torch.no_grad(): bs, seq_len = x.shape # x_numpy = x.numpy() # hash_values = torch.zeros(bs, seq_len, dtype=torch.int64, requires_grad=False) # for i in range(bs): # for j in range(seq_len): # start = max(j, j-group_size+1) # end = j+1 # hash_values[i, j] = hash_array(x_numpy[i, start:end], max_hash) prefix = torch.zeros(bs, group_size - 1, dtype=torch.int64, device=x.device) x = torch.cat([prefix, x], dim=1) windows = x.unfold(1, group_size, 1) # hashes = get_rolling_polynomial_hash_fn(hash_func_nb, group_size)(windows) hashes = rolling_polynomial_hash(windows, hash_func_nb) hash_values_range = hashes % max_hash hash_values_range.requires_grad = False return hash_values_range def create_patch_mask_from_ids( patch_ids, num_patches, window=None, patches_as_queries=False ): """ Creates a tensor of shape [bs, seq_len, num_patches] where each element at position (i, j, k) is True if the patch id at position (i, j) is less than or equal to k. Args: patch_ids (torch.Tensor): Tensor of shape [bs, seq_len] containing patch ids. num_patches (int): Total number of patches. window (int): If not None, only considers patches within a window of size window. patches_as_queries (bool): If True, the patches are used as queries Returns: torch.Tensor: Tensor of shape [bs, q_len, kv_len] with the desired mask. """ bs, seq_len = patch_ids.shape if not patches_as_queries: q_ids = patch_ids.unsqueeze(-1).expand(bs, seq_len, num_patches) kv_ids = ( torch.arange(num_patches, device=patch_ids.device) .unsqueeze(0) .unsqueeze(0) .expand(bs, seq_len, num_patches) ) else: kv_ids = patch_ids.unsqueeze(1).expand(bs, num_patches, seq_len) q_ids = ( torch.arange(num_patches, device=patch_ids.device) .unsqueeze(0) .unsqueeze(-1) .expand(bs, num_patches, seq_len) ) if window is None: mask = q_ids == kv_ids else: mask = (kv_ids <= q_ids) & (q_ids < kv_ids + window) return mask def cross_attn_mask( patch_ids, patch_lengths, N, patches_as_queries=False, cross_attn_k=1, window=None, block_mask=True, ): bs = patch_ids.shape[0] with torch.no_grad(): # Create the patch mask cross_mask = create_patch_mask_from_ids( patch_ids, patch_lengths.shape[1], window=window, patches_as_queries=patches_as_queries, ).repeat_interleave(cross_attn_k, dim=1 if patches_as_queries else -1) q_len = patch_lengths.shape[1] * cross_attn_k if patches_as_queries else N kv_len = N if patches_as_queries else patch_lengths.shape[1] * cross_attn_k assert cross_mask.shape == ( bs, q_len, kv_len, ), f"{cross_mask.shape} != {(bs, q_len, kv_len)}" if block_mask: def patch_mask(b, h, q_idx, kv_idx): return cross_mask[b, q_idx, kv_idx] block_mask = create_block_mask( patch_mask, B=bs, H=None, Q_LEN=q_len, KV_LEN=kv_len, _compile=True, ) return block_mask else: return torch.where( cross_mask, torch.tensor(0.0), torch.tensor(float("-inf")) ).unsqueeze( 1 ) # [bs, 1, q_len, kv_len] def get_blt_input( tokens: torch.Tensor, enforce_patch_size_multiple: bool, nb_boe: torch.Tensor, patch_size: int, boe_id: int, ): """ This function returns X_et, X_gt and X_dt, the encoder, global, and decoder tokens respectively. Consider the input and target sequences: X=[3,4,5,6,7,eos,bos,8,9,10,eos,bos,11,12,13] Y=[4,5,6,7,eos,bos,8,9,10,eos,bos,11,12,13,14] with patch_size=4 Note 1: that there will be no special tokens introduced at the patch level. Note 2: X_e needs to be trimmed to be passed to Global Current without boe: X_et = [[boe,boe,boe,boe] [3,4,5,6], [7,eos,bos,8], [9,10,eos,bos] [11,12,13, pad]] X_g = [[boe,boe,boe,boe] [3,4,5,6], [7,eos,bos,8], [9,10,eos,bos] [11,12,13, pad]] # remove last glob patch X_dt = [[3,4,5,6] [7,eos,bos,8], [9,10,eos,bos], [11,12,13]] Y = [[4,5,6,7] [eos,bos,8,9], [10,eos,bos,11], [12,13,14]] --> lag fix: X_et = [[boe,boe,boe,3] [4,5,6,7], [eos,bos,8,9], [10,eos,bos,11] [12,13,pad,pad]] X_g = [[boe,boe,boe,3] [4,5,6,7], [eos,bos,8,9], [10,eos,bos,11]] X_dt = [[3,4,5,6] [7,eos,bos,8], [9,10,eos,bos], [11,12,13]] Y = [[4,5,6,7] [eos,bos,8,9], [10,eos,bos,11], [12,13,14]] Dynamic (current): X = [3,4,5,6,7,eos,bos,8,9,10,eos,bos] Y = [4,5,6,7,eos,bos,8,9,10,eos,bos,11] entropy patching: input: 7, bos, 9, 10 pred (high entropy): eos, 8, 10, eos X_et = [[boe,3,4,5,6,7,eos,bos,8,9,10,eos,bos] X_g = [[boe], [3,4,5,6], [7,eos],[bos,8],[9], [10,eos]] X_dt = [[3,4,5,6], [7,eos], [bos,8],[9], [10,eos],[bos]] Y = [4,5,6,7,eos,bos,8,9,10,eos,bos,11] --> lag fix no boe (force single byte first patch): X_et = [[3,4,5,6,7,eos,bos,8,9,10,eos,bos,11,12] X_g = [[3], [4,5,6,7], [eos,bos],[8,9], [10], [eos,bos], [11,12]] # remove last global patch X_dt = [[3,4,5,6], [7,eos], [bos,8], [9], [10,eos], [bos,11,12]] Y = [4,5,6,7, eos,bos, 8,9, 10, eos,bos, 11,12,13] input: 4, 7, bos, 9, 10 pred (high entropy): 5, eos, 8, 10, eos X_et = [[3,4,5,6,7,eos,bos,8,9,10,eos,bos,11,12] X_g = [[3], [4] , [5,6,7], [eos,bos],[8,9], [10], [eos,bos], [11,12]] # remove last global patch X_dt = [[3] [4,5,6], [7,eos], [bos,8], [9], [10,eos], [bos,11,12]] Y = [4,] [5,6,7, eos,bos, 8,9, 10, eos,bos, 11,12,13] Handle the last byte properly. patch_lengths = [1, 1, 3, 2, 2 1 2 2 1] X_et = [[3,4,5,6,7,eos,bos,8,9,10,eos,bos,11,12] X_g = [[3], [4] , [5,6,7], [eos,bos],[8,9], [10], [eos,bos], [11,12]] # do not remove last global patch X_dt = [[3] [4,5,6], [7,eos], [bos,8], [9], [10,eos], [bos,11] [12]] Y = [4,] [5,6,7, eos,bos, 8,9, 10, eos,bos, 11,12, 13]] bpe delim X_et = [[3,4,5,6,7,,eos,bos,,8,9,,10,,eos,bos,11,12] X_g = [[3], [4,5,6,7,], [eos,bos,], .. X_dt = [[3,4,5,6,7], [,eos,bos], [,bos,8], .. Y = [4,5,6,7,, eos,bos, 8,9,, .. Note 1: that there will be no special tokens introduced at the patch level. Note 2: X_e needs to be trimmed to be passed to Global """ batch_size, seq_len = tokens.shape local_encoder_tokens = tokens local_decoder_tokens = tokens if nb_boe > 0: padded_patch = tokens.new(batch_size, nb_boe).fill_(boe_id) local_encoder_tokens = torch.cat((padded_patch, local_encoder_tokens), dim=1) # global_tokens = tokens.new(batch_size, ((seq_len-1) // patch_size)+1).fill_(boe_id) # create global tokens, contains boe tokens and eos # padded_local_encoder_tokens = fill_tokens(local_encoder_tokens, patch_size, boe_id) # patches = padded_local_encoder_tokens.view(batch_size, -1, patch_size) # global_tokens = (patches.eq(eos_id).any(dim=2).int() * eos_id)[:, 1:] # global_tokens += global_tokens.eq(0).int() * boe_id # TODO: fix this when we want to use block causal in the global. if enforce_patch_size_multiple and local_encoder_tokens.shape[-1] % patch_size != 0: local_encoder_tokens = fill_tokens(local_encoder_tokens, patch_size, boe_id) return local_encoder_tokens, None, local_decoder_tokens def patch_ids_from_lengths(patch_lengths, seq_len): bs, num_patches = patch_lengths.shape # Create a tensor of cumulative sums of the patch lengths cum_d = torch.cat( [ torch.zeros(bs, 1, dtype=patch_lengths.dtype, device=patch_lengths.device), patch_lengths.cumsum(dim=-1), ], dim=-1, ) patch_ids = (cum_d.unsqueeze(-1) <= torch.arange(seq_len, device=cum_d.device)).sum( dim=-2 ) - 1 assert not ( torch.max(patch_ids) > patch_lengths.shape[-1] or torch.min(patch_ids) < 0 ), f"{torch.max(patch_ids)} > {patch_lengths.shape[-1]} or {torch.min(patch_ids)} < 0" return patch_ids class ByteLatentTransformerArgs(BaseTransformerArgs): # Basic model configuration seed: int = 42 vocab_size: int = -1 dim: int = 512 n_layers: int = 8 n_heads: int = 8 # TODO: What is the purpose of this parameter? weight_tying: bool = False patch_in_forward: bool = False # Architecture and dimensions dim_token: int | None = None dim_global: int = 512 dim_local_decoder: int = 512 dim_local_encoder: int = 512 n_layers_global: int = 8 n_layers_local_decoder: int = 8 n_layers_local_encoder: int = 8 # Tokenization and patching patch_size: float | None = None patching_mode: str | None = None patching_threshold: float | None = None patching_threshold_add: float | None = None monotonicity: bool = False patching_batch_size: int = 1 patching_device: str = "cuda" max_patch_length: int | None = None # Encoder/Decoder configuration tie_local_encoder_decoder_logits: bool = False use_local_encoder_transformer: bool = False encoder_lm_loss: bool = False max_encoder_seq_length: int | None = None pad_to_max_length: bool = False encoder_enable_byte_ngrams: bool = False encoder_enable_byte_group_hash: bool = False ngram_vocab_sizes: int | None = None # Cross attention configurations cross_attn_encoder: bool = False cross_attn_decoder: bool = False cross_attn_window_encoder: int | None = None cross_attn_window_decoder: int | None = None cross_attn_k: int | None = None cross_attn_nheads: int | None = None cross_attn_all_layers_decoder: bool = False cross_attn_all_layers_encoder: bool = False cross_attn_use_flex_attention: bool = True cross_attn_init_by_pooling: bool = False # Encoder hash configurations encoder_hash_byte_group_size: Any | None = None encoder_hash_byte_group_vocab: int = 30000 encoder_hash_byte_group_nb_functions: int = 3 # Model behavior and optimization log_patch_lengths: bool = False non_linearity: str = "swiglu" use_rope: bool = True recompute_fc1_out: bool = False recompute_fc3_out: bool = False recompute_attn: bool = True custom_bwd: bool = False layer_ckpt: str = "all" # Initialization and attention init_use_gaussian: bool = True init_use_depth: str = "current" attn_bias_type: str = "causal" alpha_depth: str = "disabled" max_length: int = 2048 # Norm configuration norm_eps: float = 1e-5 norm_affine: bool = True pre_norm: bool = True norm_type: str = "rmsnorm" # Additional configurations multiple_of: int = 256 ffn_dim_multiplier: float = 1.0 dropout: float = 0 output_size: int = -1 # Additional parameters from ModelArgs architecture: str = "vanilla" share_encoder_decoder_emb: bool = True global_local_decoder_residual_layer: str | None = None tokenize_with_bpe_delimiter: bool = False patching_thresholds_str: str | None = None tie_local_encoder_decoder: bool = False encoder_preds_low_entropy_toks: float | None = None encoder_preds_random_toks: float | None = None dim_token_emb: int | None = None dim_patch_emb: int | None = None encoder_ngram_table_dir: str | None = None encoder_ngram_to_size_str: str | None = None # Model architecture params entropy_model_checkpoint_dir: str | None = None entropy_model_is_ngram_model: bool = False downsampling_by_pooling: str | None = None n_heads_global: int = 8 n_heads_local_decoder: int = 8 n_heads_local_encoder: int = 8 n_kv_heads: int | None = None n_kv_heads_global: int | None = None conv_kernel_size: int | None = None local_attention_window_len: int | None = None # Performance optimization sequence_parallel: bool = False loss_parallel: bool = False fuse_sequence_parallel: bool = False use_fsdp: bool = True attn_to_keep: str = "all" # Parameter mixing pm_size: int = 0 # Logging full_logging_n_layers: int = 4 @model_validator(mode="after") def check_hash_byte_sizes(self) -> Self: if ( self.encoder_hash_byte_group_size is not None and type(self.encoder_hash_byte_group_size) == str ): self.encoder_hash_byte_group_size = [ int(x) for x in self.encoder_hash_byte_group_size.split(",") if len(x) > 0 ] return self class GlobalTransformerArgs(ByteLatentTransformerArgs): # Global encoder specific dimensions dim_token_emb: int | None = None dim_patch_emb: int | None = None def __post_init__(self): # Override base args with global encoder specific values self.dim = self.dim_global self.n_layers = self.n_layers_global self.n_heads = self.n_heads_global self.n_kv_heads = self.n_kv_heads_global self.local_attention_window_len = None self.cross_attn_encoder = False self.cross_attn_decoder = False class LocalDecoderArgs(ByteLatentTransformerArgs): # Local decoder specific dimensions dim_token_emb: int | None = None dim_patch_emb: int | None = None def __post_init__(self): # Override base args with local decoder specific values self.dim = self.dim_local_decoder self.n_layers = self.n_layers_local_decoder self.n_heads = self.n_heads_local_decoder self.cross_attn_encoder = False self.cross_attn_init_by_pooling = False self.attn_bias_type = "local_block_causal" def create_global_transformer(args: ByteLatentTransformerArgs) -> GlobalTransformer: global_args = args.model_copy( deep=True, update=dict( dim=args.dim_global, n_layers=args.n_layers_global, n_heads=args.n_heads_global, n_kv_heads=args.n_kv_heads_global, local_attention_window_len=None, dim_token_emb=get_global_dim_patch_emb(args), dim_patch_emb=None, cross_attn_encoder=False, cross_attn_decoder=False, ), ) return GlobalTransformer(global_args) def create_local_encoder(args: ByteLatentTransformerArgs) -> LocalEncoder: local_encoder_args = LocalModelArgs( # Updated args dim=args.dim_local_encoder, n_layers=args.n_layers_local_encoder, n_heads=args.n_heads_local_encoder, dim_token_emb=get_encoder_dim_token_emb(args), dim_patch_emb=get_encoder_dim_patch_emb(args), cross_attn_encoder=args.cross_attn_encoder, cross_attn_decoder=False, cross_attn_k=args.cross_attn_k if args.cross_attn_encoder else None, cross_attn_init_by_pooling=args.cross_attn_init_by_pooling, # Defaults head_dim=args.head_dim, max_seqlen=args.max_encoder_seq_length, dropout=args.dropout, vocab_size=args.vocab_size + args.pm_size, norm_eps=args.norm_eps, patch_size=args.patch_size, sliding_window=args.local_attention_window_len, use_rope=args.use_rope, rope_theta=args.rope_theta, rope_use_fp32_in_outer_product=args.rope_use_fp32_in_outer_product, init_base_std=args.init_base_std, init_std_factor=args.init_std_factor, n_kv_heads=args.n_kv_heads, attn_impl=args.attn_impl, attn_bias_type="local_block_causal", multiple_of=args.multiple_of, ffn_dim_multiplier=args.ffn_dim_multiplier, patching_mode=args.patching_mode, use_local_encoder_transformer=args.use_local_encoder_transformer, downsampling_by_pooling=args.downsampling_by_pooling, encoder_hash_byte_group_size=args.encoder_hash_byte_group_size, cross_attn_all_layers_encoder=args.cross_attn_all_layers_encoder, cross_attn_all_layers_decoder=args.cross_attn_all_layers_decoder, cross_attn_nheads=args.cross_attn_nheads, eos_id=args.eos_id, ) return LocalEncoder(local_encoder_args) def create_local_decoder(args: ByteLatentTransformerArgs) -> LocalDecoder: # First deep copy the original args local_decoder_args = LocalModelArgs( dim=args.dim_local_decoder, n_layers=args.n_layers_local_decoder, n_heads=args.n_heads_local_decoder, dim_token_emb=get_decoder_dim_token_emb(args), dim_patch_emb=args.dim_global, cross_attn_encoder=False, cross_attn_decoder=args.cross_attn_decoder, cross_attn_init_by_pooling=False, # states are already defined cross_attn_k=args.cross_attn_k if args.cross_attn_decoder else None, # Defaults head_dim=args.head_dim, max_seqlen=args.max_encoder_seq_length, dropout=args.dropout, vocab_size=args.vocab_size + args.pm_size, norm_eps=args.norm_eps, patch_size=args.patch_size, sliding_window=args.local_attention_window_len, use_rope=args.use_rope, rope_theta=args.rope_theta, rope_use_fp32_in_outer_product=args.rope_use_fp32_in_outer_product, init_base_std=args.init_base_std, init_std_factor=args.init_std_factor, n_kv_heads=args.n_kv_heads, attn_impl=args.attn_impl, attn_bias_type="local_block_causal", multiple_of=args.multiple_of, ffn_dim_multiplier=args.ffn_dim_multiplier, patching_mode=args.patching_mode, use_local_encoder_transformer=args.use_local_encoder_transformer, downsampling_by_pooling=args.downsampling_by_pooling, encoder_hash_byte_group_size=args.encoder_hash_byte_group_size, cross_attn_all_layers_encoder=args.cross_attn_all_layers_encoder, cross_attn_all_layers_decoder=args.cross_attn_all_layers_decoder, cross_attn_nheads=args.cross_attn_nheads, eos_id=args.eos_id, ) return LocalDecoder(local_decoder_args) class EmbeddingType(Enum): HASH_TOK = auto() NGRAM = auto() def init_embeddings( args, embedding_type: EmbeddingType, local_encoder_dim: int, encoder_hash_byte_group_size: list = None, ): if ( embedding_type == EmbeddingType.HASH_TOK and args.encoder_hash_byte_group_size is None ): return None if embedding_type == EmbeddingType.NGRAM and args.encoder_ngram_to_size_str is None: return None embeddings = [] if embedding_type == EmbeddingType.HASH_TOK: emb_dim = local_encoder_dim encoder_hash_byte_group_vocab = args.encoder_hash_byte_group_vocab for _ in range(args.encoder_hash_byte_group_nb_functions): for _ in encoder_hash_byte_group_size: embeddings.append( nn.Embedding( encoder_hash_byte_group_vocab, emb_dim, ) ) elif embedding_type == EmbeddingType.NGRAM: encoder_ngram_to_size = parse_ngram_to_size(args.encoder_ngram_to_size_str) emb_dim = local_encoder_dim OFFSET = 4 # This should be passed as parameter if it's variable for ngram_vocab_size in encoder_ngram_to_size.values(): embeddings.append(nn.Embedding(ngram_vocab_size + OFFSET, emb_dim)) return nn.ModuleList(embeddings) def compute_hash_embeddings( local_encoder_tokens: torch.Tensor, local_encoder, encoder_hash_tok_embedding: nn.ModuleList, encoder_hash_byte_group_nb_functions: int, encoder_hash_byte_group_size: list, encoder_hash_byte_group_vocab: int, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Compute embeddings using hash token embeddings. Args: local_encoder_tokens: Input tokens tensor local_encoder: Encoder object with tok_embeddings method encoder_hash_tok_embedding: ModuleList of hash token embeddings encoder_hash_byte_group_nb_functions: Number of hash functions encoder_hash_byte_group_size: List of byte group sizes encoder_hash_byte_group_vocab: Vocabulary size for hash embeddings Returns: torch.Tensor: Combined embeddings """ if encoder_hash_tok_embedding is None: return None local_encoder_embeds = local_encoder.tok_embeddings(local_encoder_tokens) i = 0 for func_nb in range(encoder_hash_byte_group_nb_functions): for byte_group_size in encoder_hash_byte_group_size: hash_ids = byte_group_hash_function( local_encoder_tokens, byte_group_size, hash_func_nb=func_nb, max_hash=encoder_hash_byte_group_vocab, ) hash_tok_embedding = encoder_hash_tok_embedding[i] local_encoder_embeds = local_encoder_embeds + hash_tok_embedding(hash_ids) i += 1 assert i == len(encoder_hash_tok_embedding) return local_encoder_embeds class ByteLatentTransformer(nn.Module): """ The ByteLatentTransformer (BLT) is a byte-level language model architecture that processes byte sequences by dynamically segmenting them into patches. It uses a combination of local encoders, global transformers, and local decoders to efficiently encode and decode byte sequences, leveraging patch-based processing for improved performance and inference efficiency. """ def __init__(self, args: ByteLatentTransformerArgs): super().__init__() # General configuration self.weight_tying = args.weight_tying self.patch_size = args.patch_size self.patching_mode = args.patching_mode self.boe_id, self.bos_id, self.pad_id, self.eos_id = ( BOE_ID, BOS_ID, PAD_ID, EOS_ID, ) self.downsampling_by_pooling = args.downsampling_by_pooling self.patching_threshold = args.patching_threshold self.dim = args.dim self.init_base_std = args.init_base_std self.init_std_factor = InitStdFactor(args.init_std_factor) self.max_seqlen = args.max_seqlen # Cross attention configuration self.cross_attn_encoder = args.cross_attn_encoder self.cross_attn_decoder = args.cross_attn_decoder self.cross_attn_k = args.cross_attn_k self.cross_attn_window_encoder = args.cross_attn_window_encoder self.cross_attn_window_decoder = args.cross_attn_window_decoder self.cross_attn_use_flex_attention = args.cross_attn_use_flex_attention # Encoder hash configuration self.encoder_hash_byte_group_size = args.encoder_hash_byte_group_size self.encoder_hash_byte_group_vocab = args.encoder_hash_byte_group_vocab self.encoder_hash_byte_group_nb_functions = ( args.encoder_hash_byte_group_nb_functions ) # ByteLatent modules self.local_encoder = create_local_encoder(args) self.global_transformer = create_global_transformer(args) self.local_decoder = create_local_decoder(args) self.encoder_hash_tok_embedding = init_embeddings( args, EmbeddingType.HASH_TOK, local_encoder_dim=self.local_encoder.dim, encoder_hash_byte_group_size=self.encoder_hash_byte_group_size, ) self.encoder_ngram_embedding = init_embeddings( args, EmbeddingType.NGRAM, local_encoder_dim=self.local_encoder.dim, encoder_hash_byte_group_size=None, ) # Encoder ngram embedding tables self.encoder_ngram_embedding = None if args.encoder_enable_byte_ngrams: self.encoder_ngram_embedding = nn.ModuleList() assert args.ngram_vocab_sizes is not None self.encoder_ngram_to_size = parse_ngram_to_size( args.encoder_ngram_to_size_str ) ngram_emb_dim = self.local_encoder.dim for ngram_vocab_size in self.encoder_ngram_to_size.values(): self.encoder_ngram_embedding.append( nn.Embedding(ngram_vocab_size + OFFSET, ngram_emb_dim) ) # Output layer assert args.vocab_size > 0, "vocab_size must be greater than 0" # Patcher module if args.patch_in_forward: self.patcher = Patcher( PatcherArgs( patch_size=args.patch_size, patching_mode=args.patching_mode, patching_threshold=args.patching_threshold, patching_threshold_add=args.patching_threshold_add, monotonicity=args.monotonicity, max_patch_length=args.max_patch_length, ) ) def forward( self, tokens: torch.Tensor, patch_lengths: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ngram_ids: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ): # Ensure ngram_ids is either a tensor or None assert ( isinstance(ngram_ids, torch.Tensor) or ngram_ids is None ), f"ngram_ids must be a tensor or None, but was: {type(ngram_ids)}" bs, N = tokens.shape # Batch size and sequence length # Get megabyte inputs nb_boe = int(0 if self.patching_mode != "" else self.patch_size - 1) local_encoder_tokens, _, local_decoder_tokens = get_blt_input( tokens=tokens, enforce_patch_size_multiple=False, nb_boe=nb_boe, patch_size=self.patch_size, boe_id=self.boe_id, ) # Patching if patch_lengths is None: assert ( getattr(self, "patcher", None) is not None ), "Patcher not defined and no patch_lengths passed." patch_lengths, tok_scores = self.patcher.patch( local_encoder_tokens, include_next_token=True, threshold=self.patcher.threshold, ) else: if nb_boe > 0: patch_lengths[:, 0] += nb_boe assert torch.min(patch_lengths) >= 0 # Generate patch IDs from patch_lengths patch_ids = patch_ids_from_lengths( patch_lengths, local_encoder_tokens.shape[-1] ) assert torch.max(patch_ids) + 1 <= torch.max( (patch_lengths != 0).sum(dim=-1) ), f"{torch.max(patch_ids) + 1} > {torch.max((patch_lengths != 0).sum(dim=-1))}" cross_attn_mask_enc = None # Cross-attention encoder if self.cross_attn_encoder: cross_attn_mask_enc = cross_attn_mask( patch_ids, patch_lengths, N, patches_as_queries=True, cross_attn_k=self.cross_attn_k, window=self.cross_attn_window_encoder, block_mask=self.cross_attn_use_flex_attention, ) # Hashing and embedding local_encoder_embeds = compute_hash_embeddings( local_encoder_tokens=local_encoder_tokens, local_encoder=self.local_encoder, encoder_hash_tok_embedding=self.encoder_hash_tok_embedding, encoder_hash_byte_group_nb_functions=self.encoder_hash_byte_group_nb_functions, encoder_hash_byte_group_size=self.encoder_hash_byte_group_size, encoder_hash_byte_group_vocab=self.encoder_hash_byte_group_vocab, ) # N-gram table embeddings if self.encoder_ngram_embedding is not None: assert ngram_ids is not None, "ngram_ids must be provided" if local_encoder_embeds is None: local_encoder_embeds = self.local_encoder.tok_embeddings( local_encoder_tokens ) assert len(ngram_ids) == len( self.encoder_ngram_embedding ), f"ngram_ids.shape[0]={ngram_ids.shape[0]} versus len(encoder_ngram_embedding)={len(self.encoder_ngram_embedding)}, ngram_ids.shape={ngram_ids.shape}" for i in range(ngram_ids.shape[0]): ngram_embedding = self.encoder_ngram_embedding[i] ngram_embeds = ngram_embedding(ngram_ids[i]) assert ( local_encoder_embeds.shape == ngram_embeds.shape ), f"Shape mismatch: {local_encoder_embeds.shape} vs {ngram_embeds.shape}, ngram_ids.shape={ngram_ids.shape}" local_encoder_embeds = local_encoder_embeds + ngram_embeds # Local encoder (h_encoder, h_cross), cache_encoder = self.local_encoder( tokens=local_encoder_tokens, embeds=local_encoder_embeds, patch_embeds=None, cross_mask=cross_attn_mask_enc, num_patches=patch_lengths.shape[1], patch_ids=patch_ids, ) # Downsampling if not self.cross_attn_encoder: assert ( patch_ids.shape[1] == h_encoder.shape[1] ), f"{patch_ids.shape[1]} != {h_encoder.shape[1]}" h = downsample( h_encoder, patch_lengths.shape[1], patch_lengths, patch_ids, downsampling_by_pooling=self.downsampling_by_pooling, patch_size=self.patch_size, ) else: # Reshape h_cross h = h_cross.view(bs, patch_lengths.shape[1], -1) # Global transformer global_tokens = tokens.new(h.shape[0], h.shape[1]).fill_(self.boe_id) rows, cols = torch.where(local_encoder_tokens == self.eos_id) eos_patch_ids = patch_ids[rows, cols] global_tokens[rows, eos_patch_ids] = self.eos_id h, _ = self.global_transformer( embeds=h, tokens=global_tokens, ) # Unpatching dec_embeds = h_encoder[:, nb_boe : nb_boe + N, :] # Generate decoder patch IDs decoder_patch_ids = decoder_patch_ids_from_lengths( patch_lengths, nb_boe, local_decoder_tokens.shape[-1] ) assert ( torch.max(decoder_patch_ids) + 1 <= h.shape[1] ), f"{torch.max(decoder_patch_ids) + 1} > {h.shape[1]}" assert ( decoder_patch_ids.shape[1] == dec_embeds.shape[1] ), f"{decoder_patch_ids.shape[1]} != {dec_embeds.shape[1]}" # Cross-attention decoder if not self.cross_attn_decoder: h = torch.gather( h, 1, decoder_patch_ids.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, -1, h.shape[-1]) ) cross_attn_mask_dec = None assert local_decoder_tokens.shape == h.shape[:-1] else: cross_attn_mask_dec = cross_attn_mask( decoder_patch_ids, patch_lengths, N, patches_as_queries=False, cross_attn_k=self.cross_attn_k, window=self.cross_attn_window_decoder, block_mask=self.cross_attn_use_flex_attention, ) # Local decoder output, _ = self.local_decoder( embeds=dec_embeds, patch_embeds=h, tokens=local_decoder_tokens, cross_mask=cross_attn_mask_dec, ) return output def init_weights(self): self.local_encoder.init_weights() self.global_transformer.init_weights() self.local_decoder.init_weights() emb_std = self.local_encoder.dim ** (-0.5) for emb in self.encoder_hash_tok_embedding: nn.init.trunc_normal_( emb.weight, mean=0.0, std=emb_std, a=-3 * emb_std, b=3 * emb_std, )