import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from urllib.robotparser import RobotFileParser from urllib.parse import urlparse, urljoin import time import logging from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed import re # Set up logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WebScraper: def __init__(self, user_agent="WebLLMAssistant/1.0 (+", rate_limit=1, timeout=10, max_retries=3): self.session = requests.Session() self.session.headers.update({"User-Agent": user_agent}) self.robot_parser = RobotFileParser() self.rate_limit = rate_limit self.timeout = timeout self.max_retries = max_retries self.last_request_time = {} def can_fetch(self, url): # parsed_url = urlparse(url) # robots_url = f"{parsed_url.scheme}://{parsed_url.netloc}/robots.txt" # self.robot_parser.set_url(robots_url) # try: # # return self.robot_parser.can_fetch(self.session.headers["User-Agent"], url) # except Exception as e: # logger.warning(f"Error reading robots.txt for {url}: {e}") return True # ignore robots.txt def respect_rate_limit(self, url): domain = urlparse(url).netloc current_time = time.time() if domain in self.last_request_time: time_since_last_request = current_time - self.last_request_time[domain] if time_since_last_request < self.rate_limit: time.sleep(self.rate_limit - time_since_last_request) self.last_request_time[domain] = time.time() def scrape_page(self, url): if not self.can_fetch(url):"Robots.txt disallows scraping: {url}") return None for attempt in range(self.max_retries): try: self.respect_rate_limit(url) response = self.session.get(url, timeout=self.timeout) response.raise_for_status() return self.extract_content(response.text, url) except requests.RequestException as e: logger.warning(f"Error scraping {url} (attempt {attempt + 1}/{self.max_retries}): {e}") if attempt == self.max_retries - 1: logger.error(f"Failed to scrape {url} after {self.max_retries} attempts") return None time.sleep(2 ** attempt) # Exponential backoff def extract_content(self, html, url): soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') # Remove unwanted elements for element in soup(["script", "style", "nav", "footer", "header"]): element.decompose() # Extract title title = soup.title.string if soup.title else "" # Try to find main content main_content = soup.find('main') or soup.find('article') or soup.find('div', class_='content') if main_content: paragraphs = main_content.find_all('p') else: paragraphs = soup.find_all('p') # Extract text from paragraphs text = ' '.join([p.get_text().strip() for p in paragraphs]) # If no paragraphs found, get all text if not text: text = soup.get_text() # Clean up whitespace text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text).strip() # Extract and resolve links links = [urljoin(url, a['href']) for a in soup.find_all('a', href=True)] return { "url": url, "title": title, "content": text[:2400], # Limit to first 2400 characters "links": links[:10] # Limit to first 10 links } def scrape_multiple_pages(urls, max_workers=5): scraper = WebScraper() results = {} with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as executor: future_to_url = {executor.submit(scraper.scrape_page, url): url for url in urls} for future in as_completed(future_to_url): url = future_to_url[future] try: data = future.result() if data: results[url] = data"Successfully scraped: {url}") else: logger.warning(f"Failed to scrape: {url}") except Exception as exc: logger.error(f"{url} generated an exception: {exc}") return results # Function to integrate with your main system def get_web_content(urls): scraped_data = scrape_multiple_pages(urls) return {url: data['content'] for url, data in scraped_data.items() if data} # Standalone can_fetch function def can_fetch(url): # parsed_url = urlparse(url) # robots_url = f"{parsed_url.scheme}://{parsed_url.netloc}/robots.txt" # rp = RobotFileParser() # rp.set_url(robots_url) # try: # # return rp.can_fetch("*", url) # except Exception as e: # logger.warning(f"Error reading robots.txt for {url}: {e}") return True # ignore robots.xt if __name__ == "__main__": test_urls = [ "", "", "" ] scraped_content = get_web_content(test_urls) for url, content in scraped_content.items(): print(f"Content from {url}:") print(content[:500]) # Print first 500 characters print("\n---\n")