New option: -t
requires extra args c, m, or cm (cpu, memory, or both). Accepts further additional option: 1-20
This will show top cpu processes for default number or user selection, and top memory using processes.
Sample: inxi -t c7
updated to handle new /sys/block syntax to get device name for disks. This will require further work to actually make solid, but this fix
it work for now.
Found another issue, for snd modules, we have to use array item 3, kernel modules loaded, not driver
driver for sound modules is a name, not a module name, and also the reported modules need further processing, - to _ and tolower in case.
fixed a bug that made two networking chips of same company when identical create one single doubled driver output.
Also added in pcibus id output for -x option with networking and audio cards.
Optimized to not do repeated tests of tools for functions that are used more than one time.
Added boolean tested flags, and global app path variables to handle this.
this can knock off up to 10 or more type -p app exists type tests for one script execution.
Found and fixed 2 real bugs:
1 - driver module version print out was broken for both networking and audio, and audio was not at all working due to improperly formatted
module names being sent to get module driver version function.
2 - runlevel show was broken, was using a bad path. Fixed, and also made runlevels show now for -F/-xI output
Updated top comment header to correctly show true script Depends and true Recommends. Recommends section now also lists which options require
which applications, and I updated/corrected the debian package names for each application.
Redid the recommended app testing also, now the app is only tested for locally in the get data function when it is requested.
Cleaned up some other irregular code methods.
Might be one more fix to get it more consistent.
Added in support for unmounted lvm type syntax in unmounted partitions function, /dev/dm-1, I forgot about that possibiliity.
Fixed/patched hfs detection based on a file -s sample data chunk. Added hfsj, which I assume is hfs+, who knows for sure.
found a bug, inxi is using gawk before the depends check, this creates bad output in ubuntu/mint unless it has gawk.
Fixed by moving tests to after dependency checks.
Added nvidia only gpu temp output for multiple gpus. If > 1 gpu screen is detected, it will output the gpu temp data for each
discovered screen.
For 1 gpu with nvidia, it will show screen nu if you use the -x option, or with -F
This is an nvidia proprietary driver feature only.
yum made more robust, added /etc/yum.conf support, added support for older syntaxes in redhat, added missing data support.
And that's it I hope for yum.
adding in a spacer in :// to turn off auto show page title in irc clients. For terminal, will not add space.
This fixes an irc client bot showing title of web pages of any url, like amybot
by request, added option to output contents of sources file(s).
Reads all sources (currently only for apt systems like debian/ubuntu and derived), then prints out file name, and the file active repos.
Does not print out inactive, commented out, or blank lines.
fixed very obscure gensub/gawk bug that makes integers into strings if 501-1000 when number is generated by gensub. This bug makes the
number typed as string, which makes > tests always true.
Also fixed output bug where there is nothing in main fan data, but there is something in default fan data array.
Added back in -s show sensors always to avoid confusion, but turns off if error message for -F output. This is to avoid spam yet still
have it work always as expected.
By suggestion, now show no sensors output if error condition: missing sensors app OR no sensors output
This can be overridden for debugging by override with -! 1 flag, testing 1
If older, sudo will just error out, which is fine for now, it always works as root though. Eventually all systems will support this, so
there's no real need to test for version numbers of sudo I think.
small new feature: show with -x, extra options, hddtemp data for -D data, if hddtemp installed, and if user root, or if user is in
/etc/sudoers with: <username> ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/hddtemp
Another nice little sys admin thing.
More fine tuning of sensors. Handled case where temp 1 or 2 is greater than temp 2 or 1, but fan speed is zero for the hotter case, and is
> 0 for the cooler case. This means that the cpu fan will be the cooler temp.
Added an attempt to set mobo fan speed if fanx is > 5000k rpm, those little fans will always be fast and on mobo, or almost always.
Redid the logic for sensors to be totally dynamic and regex driven, no more hacks.
This should drastically help with fringe case data handling, and solved all the posted data samples of sensors output
New feature: -s option triggers sensors output, also -F adds it.
Shows all that can be gathered, cpu/mobo temp, cpu/mobo/psu fan speed, sys fan speeds.
Also cleaned up some non clear code in inxi.
Fixed long standing bug with root user getting null output for res or tty, now if in X, shows message that gfx data is not available
to root.
Also added null case handling for some of the gfx output to show N/A instead of null. This lets me know which detection fails, which
should make debugging a bit easier long term.
Turned off the advanced glx info line as well for root user.
quassel support added, 3 cases, for quassel, quasselclient, and quassel monolithic (unused now))
Also expanded all the gawk in that section to make it more consistent.