diff --git a/inxi b/inxi index bd93f2f..65bbed1 100755 --- a/inxi +++ b/inxi @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ #### DEPENDENCIES #### * bash >=3.0 (bash); df, readlink, stty, tr, uname, wc (coreutils); #### gawk (gawk); grep (grep); lspci (pciutils); -#### ps, uptime (procps - may change in debian); find (findutils) +#### ps, find (findutils) #### * Also the proc filesystem should be present and mounted for Linux #### * Some features, like -M and -d will not work, or will work incompletely, #### if /sys is missing @@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ #### -G - full graphics output requires: glxinfo (mesa-utils); xdpyinfo (X11-utils); #### xrandr (x11-xserver-utils) #### -i - IP information, local/wan - ip (iproute) legacy, not used if ip present: ifconfig (net-tools) +#### -I - uptime (procps, check Debian if changed) #### -Ix - view current runlevel while not in X window system (or with -x): runlevel (sysvinit) #### -m - all systems, dmidecode, unless someone can find a better way. #### -M - for older systems whose kernel does not have /sys data for machine, dmidecode (dmidecode)