> The [main documentation](https://github.com/bakhirev/assayo/blob/main/documents/RU.md) is in russian. This is a translation. It may contain errors. If you a native speaker, you can help improve this translation. Thanks! > - [Русский](https://github.com/bakhirev/assayo/blob/main/documents/RU.md) > - [English](https://github.com/bakhirev/assayo) # [Assayo](https://assayo.jp/?ref=github&lang=en) Visualization and analysis of your git repository data ([demo](https://assayo.jp/demo/?ref=github&lang=en&dump=./test.txt)). ##### Employee can evaluate new workplace - work pace; - number of extra hours worked; - areas of responsibility; - volume of features and bugs; - working style of colleagues; ##### Manager can evaluate employees - identify slackers; - estimate the amount of code; - learn the work speed; - notice behavioral anomalies; - see the dynamics of work by week; ##### Investor can evaluate product - product cost; - cost of features; - development time; - forecast of rework time; - forecast cost; ### How to quickly view the number of commits? In the root directory of your project, run: ``` git shortlog -s -n -e ``` ### How to concat authors? In the root directory of your project, you need to create a `.mailmap` file. Example of the contents of the file: ``` Alex B Alex B Alex B Alex B ``` Read more about the format of this file you can [here](https://git-scm.com/docs/gitmailmap). ### How to export data from git? #### For online viewing In the root directory of your project run: ``` git --no-pager log --numstat --oneline --all --reverse --date=iso-strict --pretty=format:"%ad>%cN>%cE>%s" > log.txt ``` #### For offline viewing ``` git --no-pager log --numstat --oneline --all --reverse --date=iso-strict --pretty=format:"%ad>%cN>%cE>%s" | sed -e 's/\\/\\\\/g' | sed -e 's/`/"/g' | sed -e 's/^/report.push(\`/g' | sed 's/$/\`\);/g' | sed 's/\$/_/g' > log.txt ``` Git will create a file `log.txt`. This file contains data for show a report. The difference between the online and offline format is the presence of a wrapper for strings. The offline format will be pulled up like a `js` file if you just opened `/build/index.html ` ### How to view the report online? - go to the [website](https://assayo.jp/); - click the “[Demo](https://assayo.jp/demo)” button; - drag the `log.txt` file into the browser window; ### How to view the report offline? - download this repository; - drag the `log.txt` file to the `/build` folder; - run `/build/index.html`; - or drag the `/build` folder to your repository (where the `log.txt` is located). You can change the name. For example, from `/build` to `/report`. In this case, it is important that the `log.txt` file is generated by the command for offline viewing. ### How to rebuild the report build? - download this repository - run `npm install` - run `npm run build` - the new build will be in the `/build` folder ### How to view a report on a group of microservices? - generate for each microservice file `log.txt` (`log-1.txt`, `log-2.txt`, `log-3.txt` and etc.) - see “How to view an online report?”. At the last step, drag all the files at once into the browser window. - see “How to see a report offline?”. At the second step, drag all microservice files (`log-1.txt`, `log-2.txt`, `log-3.txt` and etc.) to the report folder (`/build`). ### How to brand the interface? You can create your own interface theme. Options: - **Title**. You can set default document title in the URL parameter ```title```. Example: ```?title=You Company``` - **Visual theme**. To do this, you need to prepare a CSS file with new styles and specify its URL in the ```theme``` parameter. Example: ```?theme=//company.com/some.css```. You can use class names as selectors. Most of them do not change in new versions. - **Language**. You can set language in the URL parameter ```lang```. Example: ```?lang=es``` ### How to add or edit a translation? You can add a new translation or correct an existing one in the ```ts/translations/``` folder and create a Pull Request. ### How to sign commits? Follow the [Conventional Commits 1.0.0](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/). Example: ``` JIRA-1234 feat(profile): Added avatar for user ``` - task number in the task tracker `(JIRA-1234)` - type of work `(feat, fix, style, refactor, test, doc и т.д.)` - feature `(profile - new page on site or new function, use one (two) short wordor an abbreviation)` - what problem were solved `(Added avatar for user)` ### How to automate data collection? #### Without backend - create a clone of the repository you need; - copy the `build` folder to the root; - open `build/index.html` in the browser and add it to bookmarks; - add a shortcut to `build/assets/ci-cd.sh` to the startup folder (Windows); Every time you restart the computer, the script will update statistics on all the data that automatically merged into the main branch. ### DevOps (CI/CD) #### Public server You can upload the data file for report construction to a public URL. And use the website’s [assayo](https://assayo.jp/?ref=github&lang=en) to visualize it. ``` https://assayo.jp/demo/?dump=//you_site.com/some/log.txt ``` #### Private server - download the [docker image](https://hub.docker.com/r/bakhirev/assayo); - run it on your local network; - use the web interface to view the reports, set the URL of the data in the URL parameter ```dump```: ``` http://assayo_url/?dump=//you_url/some/log.txt assayo_url - URL of the assayo container, it listens on port 80; you_url - URL of your container with git logs; ``` By default, the image will run at ``````. If it doesn't work, check if port 80 is free. #### How to update the Docker image? - remove metrics, alerts, old builds; - run ```npm run build``` - run ```docker build -t assayo .``` - visually check the image ```docker run --name assayo -p 80:80 -d assayo```; - add tag ```docker tag IMAGE_ID bakhirev/assayo:latest```; - push image to [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/r/bakhirev/assayo); ### Releases are planned approximately once every six months. What’s next: - more recommendations and achievements; - annual/monthly summaries, report printing; - localization and internationalization; - file analysis; - different roles for statistics (hiding finances); - development of the backend, integration with other systems; ### Feedback, suggestions, comments - telegramm [@bakhirev](https://t.me/bakhirev) (priority method of communication) - [alexey-bakhirev@yandex.ru](mailto:alexey-bakhirev@yandex.ru) - website [https://assayo.jp/](https://assayo.jp/)